Elastic Mooring Systems



Relaxin BVI sail boatWe have a 39 foot Pearson center cockpit sailboat that stays on a mooring year-round in the British Virgin Islands. Three years ago we purchased the Eco-Mooring System and have been entirely satisfied. This product greatly reduces the swinging of the boat making it a lot easier on the boat and the mooring gear and has never failed. Wind is an ever present factor in this area and the center cockpit configuration creates greater swing to the boat. After 2 ½ years under these conditions the Eco-Mooring System has fared much better than methods we've used in the past. We just ordered another before the next hurricane season. It is well worth the cost to have this security along with the extended life of the rest of the mooring tackle.

Bob Ream and the other 4 owners of 'Relaxin'

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